A trademark application is used to register your mark at the US Patent and Trademark Office. After a trademark search is done and you are satisfied that you have the right to register your trademark you can choose from three application processes.
The first and most common way to submit a trademark
application is by using TEAS at the US Patent and Trademark Office. TEAS
offers an electronic application that is easy to fill out and quick to
There several requirements for the application that must be filled out in detail.
TEAS Plus is simply the abbreviated online application process. This is also the least expensive method for filing a trademark. The information required to fill out this application includes:
The mail in application is the same as the TEAS application. The only difference is that it is mailed to the US patent office instead of being filed online.
After your application is filed it is published in the Official Gazette (an online publication of the US Patent and Trademark Office). This gives existing trademark owners the opportunity to object to your trademark registration. If no one objects to your trademark you can expect to hear from the trademark office within 1 year. Hopefully the news will be good. Sometimes they will ask for a clarification or for you to submit some additional material.
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