The Diaper Viper

by Peter Crocamo

My idea came to me when I was running my own health club that included childcare and I had to dispose of diapers on a regular basis.

WE had a diaper genie and it was ok but whenever I would empty it the twisted trash bag would untangle and there were smelly diapers everywhere.

My idea was to invent something more efficient and here it is: the DIAPER VIPER. It is a object same size as diaper genie but is painted the color of a snake.

AT the top is an opening that looks like a snake's mouth open. It has a plastic clear lid that covers the snake mouth and the unit does not work unless the lid is closed insuring safety.

So you open the lid, place the folded up dirty diaper in the snake's mouth and close the seethru lid.

Press a button and the snake mouth closed and swallow the diaper.It is then sealed in a piece of press and seal and dropped to the bottom of the unit where it is sprayed with a nice smelling air freshener.

There is a opening at the bottom of the unit to get rid of the dirty diapers when a lite on the unit says it is almost full.

Can market refills on press and seal tube.

My name is Peter C rocamo at 4104463118 phone number and email

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Jun 23, 2019
by: Anonymous

A step up from the current diaper disposals,no crap!

Feb 15, 2019
no more clothes pin nose! NEW
by: Anonymous

I think this is a very innovative and very efficient way of eliminating a very dirty problem*No pun intended. It also adds a touch of fun and look to the disposal of soiled diapers.

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