Reflective Carbon nanotubing

by anonymous

Please put this to good use I just had a moment of clarity... if we used carbon nano-tubing and created an inverted prism mirror and shot a laser towards it the light would reflect off itself creating a feedback which thus blocks the laser and other light sources from hitting the object.

Thus I've just created the perfect anti-laser shield it can be put onto vehicles and other craft.

The mirror could be thin enough because no matter the amount of heat/light coming from the laser/light source it won't be able to penetrate itself of something of equal heat :)

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Sep 02, 2015
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by: Anonymous

Well, you have given very useful information about reflective carbon nano tubing. I really found this blog useful. I must say thank you for sharing such useful information. You have solved a big problem by using a thin mirror. Plus this site has so much information in it. It's amazing.

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