by Nicole Bradshaw
(Virginia Beach,Va)
My invention is used for potty training. It is a pamper pad that fits into the cup of your child's pot.
The pad is placed in the cup of your child's pot and held in place by the potty lid. Once your child has to use the pot the pamper padded potty pad catches all waste and urine.
It will show a design showing your child he or she had used the potty and will make them wanna use the potty more to show there parents the design showing they have done a good job.
When your child is done you lift lid off of the pot and grab the end to roll up like a pamper and dispose the same way. My potty pad can be used in any size pot. It is easily wrapped up and thrown away.
You will not need plastic or a bag to dispose of if like other potty pads and it dose not have a handle or plastic liner. My pad is the new and improved potty training pad it is easy to use and no mess when throwing it away.