
by W. Earl Harkless
(Gretna, Louisiana, USA)

Kleen-Nose Patent

Kleen-Nose Patent

The "Kleen-Nose tool is designed to totally clean, moisturize, and sanitize your lower nostril. It's designed to be used in shower or in a sink (face bowl). It is designed to be disposed of following one use, therefore hygienic.

The invention consists of a shaft and two heads and a finger pump midways the shaft. One head is the washer head. It is made of soft plastic cell-foam material that contains a water dispenser portion within.

The water dispenser is connected to the finger pump by a tube. Finger pressure forces water up an through the cell-foam to the sides of your lower nostrils.

Rotating the washer end while pumping will clean all old, hard, dirty mucus material along with bacteria, pollen, viruses, chemical irritants etc. from the nostril. It will wash your nose squeaky clean.

The other end of the tool is the dryer head. Made of cotton treated with fine salt and a fine mist of non-allergenic mineral oil. This side will dry your nostril of most of the water while leaving a saline solution and a negligible amount of oil and in some cases a light pleasant sent (i.e. Jasmine or vanilla, etc) of very short duration. Once finished, just dispose of the tool.

The benefits of such a tool is to be able to cleanse your lower nostril on a daily basis so that diseases such a cold, flu, bacterial, chemical contamination and allergies may be reduced or eliminated.

The disease prevention of such a tool will prove to be extremely beneficial. I hesitate to assert that this tool will prevent cold and flu, however I expect that it will reduce the incidence of colds, flu and many other diseases that attack our bodies by way of the nostrils.

This tool is very inexpensive; being made primarily of plastic and cotton. I intend to package it fifteen possibly thirty to a pack @ less than ten dollars per pack. Very inexpensive for the expected benefits of such a tool.

Always remember "Keep ya nose clean, Kid"

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Mar 31, 2016
Fantastic invention
by: Anonymous

I think this is a fantastic idea. No one has ever produced a tool that can thoroughly wash out my nose. I can also dry and sanitize my nose on a daily basis. Wow!! Why didn't I think of this?/?? I can clean my nose safely and hygienically every day especially in spring when all that pollen is covering the cars. I get tired of that stuff lining my nose. I like to build and that sawdust have my nose zinging. When and where can I buy this tool????

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