Intelligent wheelchair

by Aslan Khani Sheykh Rajab

Intelligent Wheelchair

Intelligent Wheelchair

When a person sits on a chair wheelchair and after closing the seat belt Press the Start button, Wheelchairs are ready to move.

Such that if needed Press the static system slowly and within 10 seconds the person is standing and In this case, it can also move. When comes to a place that stairs there, Wheelchair ask from the person sitting on it, to climb up or down the stairs. Which if you select any of the modes It does it. This system is also for crossing the pit or barrier to pass the person's confirmation.

The benefits of intelligent wheelchair:
1 - stair climbing to be quite intelligent image processing system to a height of 25 cm

2 - Crossing the Bridge to the pit or pits or raceway without having a width of 80 cm to be quite intelligent image processing system

3 - Raising a disabled wheelchair seat height to the height of about one meter every time a disabled person wants to move in the same state

4 - The final speed of 27 kilometers per hour (as a vehicle for disabled people )

5 - Handling very easy ( the wheelchair for easy disassembly and separate into 8 pieces and includes a removable passenger car

6 - wheelchair batteries charged by solar batteries

7-Controll system via manual control system and image process auto controlling and computer brain interface system

8- Manual control system and auto system via image process and brain interface


 sitting on the wheelchair .in next step start wheelchair system.

 stair climbing to be quite intelligent image processing system to a height of 25

 Crossing the Bridge to the pit or pits or raceway without having a width of 80 cm
to be quite intelligent image processing system.

 Raising a disabled wheelchair seat height to the height of about one meter every time a disabled person wants to move in the same state.

 The final speed of 27 kilometers per hour (as a vehicle for disabled people ).

 Handling very easy ( the wheelchair for easy disassembly and separate into 8
pieces and includes a removable passenger car.

 wheelchair batteries charged by solar batteries.

 Control system via manual control system and image process auto controlling and
computer brain interface

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