Help With New Invention

by Chris

I have an idea for a home product. It is rather complicated to make which is why I need help with new invention prototyping. Should I look to find an engineer to partner with or do you know of a better way?


I am assuming that you have limited money to invest in the idea yourself. The best way to get a project like this started is to evaluate the idea to make sure someone would want to buy it. See www.inventionpartner/idea-invention-process.html for details.

Done properly evaluating an idea does not have to cost a lot of money. The problem is that evaluating is not the fun part of the process so most inventors choose to skip it. Don’t. This is the most important step in the invention process. I have known inventors that have wasted years of their lives and thousands of dollars on fundamentally bad ideas, ideas that would never make them money. The sad thing is they could have figured this out early on for very little money.

If you are not sure that the idea will sell you should not pursue it.
If you are satisfied that the product would sell I would suggest finding a partner to help. The partner should have the money needed to build a proof of concept and to protect the idea. You would bring the idea and the enthusiasm; they would have the money to execute it.

The best place to look for money is in the people that you already know. These are the people that know and trust you. They want you to succeed. This is another reason to evaluate your idea first. You must believe in the idea yourself and be able to prove it to someone else.

Once you have acquired the money either out of your own pocket or through an investor you should develop a working model of the idea.
Complicated ideas, like the one you are asking about, require that you test and prove them. At this point look for an engineer to help with the idea.

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Apr 09, 2024
Emoji NEW
by: Danyelle

Do u have to have a pattern or cc for an emoji??

Apr 15, 2013
IP, Registration
by: Md Sanaullah Haque Rokey

Dear Sir/Madum
I am pleased to inform you that now we are 100%prepred to make international pattern and international registration .for our inventions So you will be requested to help us for our inventions.please let us inform a rough idea that how mouch money to be needed for the bellow stated inventions by next letter.
We have several inventions. our first invention is flying car. If you want go some where by your car, then you have to spend lots of money to pay for gas and others bill s,also need lots of time to reach your destination. But flying car does not need it, and you will not spend a single Penny to reach your destination and will reach very quicker then driving. No smoke no sound no need gas fuel, electricity, solar system, battery, nothing you need to flay in the Sky, at a time five persons could flay from any where and landing too. But not in the water. You could fly as long as you want by your car. Road block does not make a problem.
But our Intelligent transport robotic security system it is really fantastic invention too. By using this technology, no more stealing airplane, air craft and all kinds of vehicles, and terrorist, hijackers will be in big problem and they will be caught easily .If they have weapon and they could not heart any body, only they could shoot on their own foot- that's all.So you could say their time is gone.By using our technology all Kinds oftransportation's will be 100% safe from UN wanted.If you left 4 doors open and left key inside of your and no need to ask some body to look your car .Your car will take care it self. I will let you know all other descriptation about our invention next letter.

Thank you in advance for an early cooperation
Kinds Regards
Mohammed Sanaullah Haque (Rokey)
Business Executive & partner
Dhaka Bangladesh
Phone + 88 02 9871087

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